Home Away From Home

Moving to a new city, province or even a new country can be difficult to make new friends, fit it to the new community and find that feeling of home. This becomes a little bit easier when there is a CISV chapter located in your new home city!

Meet Marx…


Marx moved to Saskatoon from the Philippines this fall and immediately took to Facebook to get in touch with the local chapter in Saskatoon. When he found out that Saskatoon would be hosting a mini camp the SAME weekend as CISV Bacolod in the Philippines he hatched a plan to “Meet” and of course build global friendship! We did a video swap!

What a fun project! When CISVers from Saskatoon saw the CISVers from CISV Bacolod teaching us an energizer in their native language the first thing we noticed were SHORTS AND SANDLES! The second thing we wanted to know was “Marx! What is the energizer about” he explained to us all the words which translated to English was about Superman’s house being in fire! Then he called for wonder woman to come and help him. We realized that energizers in other languages make about the same amount of scenes as they do in English. Just like the mango energizer?

We are hopeful that this will be the start of a beautiful friendship and great collaboration with CISV Bacolod and maybe we will be in for more video swaps in the future!

When I asked Marx if the mini camp in Saskatoon was the same or different as it was in his home chapter of Bacolod he said…. It’s the same… I mean the people and the location is different but the feeling is the same.

This article was first published on the CISV Saskatoon blog.


Chasing Dreams at Suntown Camp